
Space Shuttle Discovery STS-131 Landed in Florida 美国发现号航天飞机STS-131安全返回地球
Space Shuttle Discovery STS-131 Landed in Florida 美国发现号航天飞机STS-131安全返回地球

Image and video credit: NASA

Space Shuttle Discovery STS-131 Landed Safely in Florida

Space shuttle Discovery STS-131 ended a two-week journey of more than 6.2 million miles and landed at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on April 20, 2010 (Tuesday). Returning to Earth aboard the orbiter were STS-131 seven astronauts – Commander Alan Poindexter, Pilot Jim Dutton, and Mission Specialists Stephanie Wilson, Rick Mastracchio, Clay Anderson, Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger and Naoko Yamazaki of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The STS-131 mission to the International Space Station included three spacewalks, the installation of equipment outside the ISS, and the transfer of thousands of pounds of cargo and supplies from the orbiter’s payload bay to various locations on the station.

Congratulations! Thank Discovery STS-131 and ISS all outstanding astronauts and engineers of the United States, Russia, Japan as well as other nations for your great contributions to the aeronautic technology and space exploration.


美国航天飞机发现号(space shuttle Discovery)于2010年4月5日从佛罗里达州卡纳维尔角美国国家航空航天局(NASA)肯尼迪太空中心(Kennedy Space Center)发射升空后,于4月7日与国际太空站( International Space Station- ISS)对接成功。




经历约两个星期6.2 百万英里太空飞行旅程后,执行STS-131飞行任务的航天飞机发现号已于2010年4月20日(星期二)美国东部标准时间上午9:08a.m.EST安全降落在美国佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪太空中心, 顺利返回地球。发现号STS-131国际太空站航天任务至此圆满成功。


(黄达维 David C. Huang, April 2010 USA)
