本文参考:美国国务院国际信息局《民主的原则》(Principles of Democracy)
The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. — Thomas Jefferson, on the necessity of a free press (1787)
我们政府的基础是民意, 首要目标应是保持那项权利; 倘若要我来决定我们是应该有政府而没有报纸, 还是有报纸而没有政府, 我会毫不迟疑地选择后者。 — 托马斯.杰斐逊论新闻自由的必要性(1787年)
人人有权享有主张和发表意见的自由;此项权利包括持有主张而不受干涉的自由, 和通过任何媒介和不论国界寻求、接受和传递消息和思想的自由。 – 《世界人权宣言》第十九条
□ 自由的媒体向公众提供信息,向政府领导人提出问责,并成为辩论地方和国家问题的论坛。
□ 民主国家培育自由媒体。独立的司法、实行法治的公民社会以及言论自由都有利于维护新闻自由。新闻自由必须得到法律保护。
□ 在民主国家,政府对自身行为负责。因此,公民期待了解政府为人民决策的情况。新闻媒体作为监督政府的工具,推动运用这一”知情权”,帮助公民向政府问责,对政府的政策提出质疑。民主政府使记者能够出席政府会议和获得公文,并且不对他们报导或出版的内容作预先限制。
□ 新闻媒体本身的行动必须是负责任的。通过行业协会、独立的新闻理事会以及专门负责公众投诉的内部”调查官”,新闻媒体对有关其过度行为的种种申诉作出回应,并追究内部责任。
□ 民主制度要求公众做出选择和决定。为使新闻媒体具有公信度,新闻工作者必须提供基于可靠来源和信息的如实报导。剽窃和失真报导有损于自由的媒体。
□ 新闻机构应建立不受政府控制的自身的编辑部,把采集和传播新闻与评论区别开来。
□ 新闻工作者不应受舆论左右,而是以追求真实为已任,尽力接近事实真相。民主国家使新闻媒体能够在既没有畏惧于政府,也不受政府偏袒的情况下,从事信息的采访和报导。
□ 民主体制造成两种权利之间的永恒较量:政府保护国家安全的责任与人民的知情权,后者取决于新闻工作者获取信息的能力。政府有时需要对那些被认为过于敏感而不宜公布于众的信息实行限制。但是,在民主体制下,新闻工作者有充分权利追踪这些信息。
(黄达维 David C. Huang, July 2010 USA)
2010人权日: 联合国呼吁保障言论自由, 向人权捍卫者致敬
Secretary-General’s Message for Human Rights Day 2010
Human rights are the foundation of freedom, peace, development and justice — and the heart of the work of the United Nations around the world.
Laws to protect and promote human rights are indispensable. But quite often, progress comes down to people… courageous women and men… striving to protect their own rights and the rights of others… determined to make rights real in people’s lives.
It is these human rights defenders to whom we dedicate this year’s observance of Human Rights Day.
Defenders are a diverse group. They might be part of a civil society organization, a journalist or even a lone citizen, spurred to action by abuses close to home.
But they all share a commitment to expose wrongdoing, protect the most vulnerable and end impunity. They stand up, speak out — and today they tweet — in the name of freedom and human dignity..
Human rights defenders play a vital role in the fight against discrimination. They investigate violations and help victims gain justice and support.
Far too often, their work entails tremendous risk.
Defenders are harassed, stripped of their jobs and wrongfully imprisoned. In many countries, they are tortured, beaten and murdered.
Their friends and family members are also subjected to harassment and intimidation.
Women human rights defenders face additional risks, and therefore need additional support.
This Human Rights Day is an occasion to salute the courage and achievements of human rights defenders everywhere – and to pledge to do more to safeguard their work.
States bear the primary responsibility to protect human rights advocates. I call on all States to ensure the freedom of expression and the freedom of assembly that make their work possible.
When the lives of human rights advocates are endangered, we are all less secure.
When the voices of human rights advocates are silenced, justice itself is drowned out.
On this Human Rights Day, let us be inspired by those seeking to make our world more just. And let us remember that everyone — no matter their background, training or education — can be a human rights champion.
So let us use that power. Let us each be a human rights defender.
Ban Ki-moon
(黄达维 David C. Huang,December 2010 USA)
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