–黄达维 David C. Huang,April 2011 USA
Image Credit: NASA
1961年4月12日,27岁的前苏联宇航员尤里.加加林(Yuri Gagarin)乘坐287吨重的“东方”号宇航飞船从拜科努尔航天发射场升空,绕地球飞行一圈,并于108分钟后,成功在萨拉托夫州捷尔诺夫卡区的斯梅罗夫卡村附近著陆,而成为第一位环绕地球轨道飞行者。
在前苏联宇航员尤里.加加林太空飞行成功后20年,1981年4月12日,美国宇航员约翰.扬( John Young)和罗伯特.克里彭(Robert Crippen)进而乘坐人类第一架航天飞机哥伦比亚号(Columbia)升空,成功地进行了STS-1首次试飞,更创立了航天飞机的历史里程碑。
前苏联1961年和美国1981年对太空科学技术与航天工程的研究与发展所取得的辉煌成就,促使美国和俄罗斯之间在太空技术领域,由竞争而逐渐走上合作的道路,从而集合双方以及欧洲、加拿大、日本等15个自由国家的技术力量,共同设计、开发、建立了全面展现人类智慧与创新的国际太空站( International Space Station – ISS),标志了人类合作探索太空的里程碑而载入史册。
1981年,我已在美国工作。当时,我们全家为航天飞机哥伦比亚号试飞成功感到无比兴奋,并为所属国家取得的此一重大科学技术成就而自豪。我们两个正在中学求学的孩子制作了一副描述航天飞机升空情景的精美图像,寄至白宫呈献给里根总统(President Ronald W. Reagan)。从此,美国的尖端科学技术鼓舞和引导我们走上了成功的旅程。
STS-1: Space Shuttle Columbia Flight #1 April 12, 1981 (momo2007x -Youtube channel):
Space Shuttle Columbia STS-1 Mission, April 12, 1981. Landing on Rogers Lake (a dry saltpan) at Edwards Air Force Base in California, April 14, 1981.
黃達維 David C. Huang, September 2012 USA
Image, video and info credit: NASA
Space Shuttle Endeavour Final Display at the California Science Center
The space shuttle Endeavour, atop the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, or SCA, lands at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012 in Los Angeles where it will be placed on public display at the California Science Center. Today’s flight marks the final scheduled ferry flight of the Space Shuttle Program.
Authorization to construct the fifth Space Shuttle orbiter as a replacement for the destroyed Challenger was granted by Congress on August 1, 1987. Endeavour began flight operations in 1992 on mission STS-49, the Intelsat VI repair mission.
Since 1992, Endeavour flew 25 times before it was retired. It logged 123 million miles in space and circled Earth nearly 4,700 times.
Endeavour is named after the first ship commanded by 18th century British explorer James Cook. On its maiden voyage in 1768, Cook sailed into the South Pacific and around Tahiti to observe the passage of Venus between the Earth and the Sun. During another leg of the journey, Cook discovered New Zealand, surveyed Australia and navigated the Great Barrier Reef.
The Space Shuttles
The Space Shuttle may be the most complicated machine ever built. As the first spacecraft to be reusable, it launches as a rocket, and can serve as an orbiting platform and lands like a plane.
The space shuttle Endeavour September 2012 flight is the last flight for a space shuttle. The space shuttle Atlantis will remain at Kennedy for display, and Discovery is already at the Smithsonian Institution, parked at a hangar in Virginia since April 2012.
美國國家航空航天局(NASA)航天飛机奮進號(Endeavour)是美國政府批准建造的第5架航天飛机﹐用以替代原有的挑戰者號(Challenger)。奮進號是以 1768年英國探險家詹姆斯‧庫克(James Cook)的第一艘考察船的船名而命名。
2012年9月17日(星期一),航天飛机奮進號從佛羅里達州卡納維爾角NASA肯尼迪太空中心(Kennedy Space Center)﹐搭載在一架747運輸机上面起飛出發﹐途經德克薩斯州休斯敦市(Houston, Texas)飛往加利福尼亞州。
航天飛机亞特蘭蒂斯號( Atlantis)已決定留在 NASA肯尼迪太空中心展示﹐而發現號(Discovery)則移至維吉尼亞州(Virginia)史密森尼(Smithsonian Institution)太空博物館分館展示。
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