现任加州大学柏克莱分校劳伦斯柏克莱国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)主任的朱棣文博士,领导美国科学家进行生物能源和太阳能的研究,成就非凡而享有盛名。奥巴马于2008年12月15日宣布其能源与环境团队(Energy and Environment Team)时提到:
“Dr. Steven Chu is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who has been working at the cutting edge of our nation’s effort to develop new and cleaner forms of energy. He blazed new trails as a scientist, teacher, and administrator, and has recently led the Berkeley National Laboratory in pursuit of new
alternative and renewable energies. Steven is uniquely suited to be our next Secretary of Energy as we make this pursuit a guiding purpose of the Department of Energy, as well as a national mission. The scientists at our national labs will have a distinguished peer at the helm. His appointment
should send a signal to all that my Administration will value science, we will make decisions based on the facts, and we understand that the facts demand bold action.”
我们的美利坚合众国第44任总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)于2008年末,委任几位亚裔加入内阁担任重要职务。奥巴马在他胜选演说中指出的:“我国的真正实力不在于军力强大或财富规模,而在于我国理想经久不衰的力量:民主、自由、机会和坚信不移的希望。” 正如其所言,在这自由女神的国土,民主自由,机会平等,使数以万计的华人和亚裔,不仅在科学技术上,而且在政治权利方面,也得到了他们祖辈乡土不可能给予的尊重,地位和成就。
朱棣文博士 – 能源部长
在奥巴马内阁名单中,华裔科学家朱棣文(Steven Chu)博士被提名出任能源部长,尤其使美国华人和亚裔感到无比兴奋,深感“美国是一切梦想可以成真的地方”(引自:奥巴马胜选演说)。
1948年出生於美国密苏里州圣路易斯市(St. Louis) ,朱棣文博士于1997年与其他两位科学家共同获得诺贝尔物理学奖。他是继杨振宁,李政道,丁肇中和李远哲之后,另一位获得诺贝尔奖的美国华裔科学家。
现任加州大学柏克莱分校劳伦斯柏克莱国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)主任的朱棣文博士,领导美国科学家进行生物能源和太阳能的研究,成就非凡而享有盛名。奥巴马于2008年12月15日宣布其能源与环境团队(Energy and Environment Team)时提到:
“Dr. Steven Chu is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who has been working at the cutting edge of our nation’s effort to develop new and cleaner forms of energy. He blazed new trails as a scientist, teacher, and administrator, and has recently led the Berkeley National Laboratory in pursuit of new
alternative and renewable energies. Steven is uniquely suited to be our next Secretary of Energy as we make this pursuit a guiding purpose of the Department of Energy, as well as a national mission. The scientists at our national labs will have a distinguished peer at the helm. His appointment
should send a signal to all that my Administration will value science, we will make decisions based on the facts, and we understand that the facts demand bold action.”
四星上将艾里克.辛塞吉 – 退伍军人事务部部长
生于美国夏威夷的日本后裔,退役四星上将艾里克.辛塞吉(Eric Shinseki)被提名担任退伍军人事务部部长。曾经参加过越南战争,艾里克.辛塞吉是第一位获得四星的美国亚裔军官。艾里克.辛塞吉上将的委任提名,得到退伍军人有关组织机构的赞赏。
卢沛宁 – 白宫内阁秘书
出生于新泽西州并毕业于哈佛法学院的卢沛宁(Chris Lu),被提名担任白宫内阁秘书(Cabinet Secretary);作为奥巴马总统哈佛大学同学,卢沛宁曾任奥巴马参议员办公室的幕僚长,现任奥巴马-拜登过渡团队执行主任,负责处理奥巴马上任前过渡时期的日常业务。
(黄达维 2008年12月于美国)
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