2010人权日: 联合国呼吁保障言论自由, 向人权捍卫者致敬
Secretary-General’s Message for Human Rights Day 2010
Human rights are the foundation of freedom, peace, development and justice — and the heart of the work of the United Nations around the world.
Laws to protect and promote human rights are indispensable. But quite often, progress comes down to people… courageous women and men… striving to protect their own rights and the rights of others… determined to make rights real in people’s lives.
It is these human rights defenders to whom we dedicate this year’s observance of Human Rights Day.
Defenders are a diverse group. They might be part of a civil society organization, a journalist or even a lone citizen, spurred to action by abuses close to home.
But they all share a commitment to expose wrongdoing, protect the most vulnerable and end impunity. They stand up, speak out — and today they tweet — in the name of freedom and human dignity..
Human rights defenders play a vital role in the fight against discrimination. They investigate violations and help victims gain justice and support.
Far too often, their work entails tremendous risk.
Defenders are harassed, stripped of their jobs and wrongfully imprisoned. In many countries, they are tortured, beaten and murdered.
Their friends and family members are also subjected to harassment and intimidation.
Women human rights defenders face additional risks, and therefore need additional support.
This Human Rights Day is an occasion to salute the courage and achievements of human rights defenders everywhere – and to pledge to do more to safeguard their work.
States bear the primary responsibility to protect human rights advocates. I call on all States to ensure the freedom of expression and the freedom of assembly that make their work possible.
When the lives of human rights advocates are endangered, we are all less secure.
When the voices of human rights advocates are silenced, justice itself is drowned out.
On this Human Rights Day, let us be inspired by those seeking to make our world more just. And let us remember that everyone — no matter their background, training or education — can be a human rights champion.
So let us use that power. Let us each be a human rights defender.
Ban Ki-moon
(黄达维 David C. Huang,December 2010 USA)
慶祝柏林牆倒塌 – 共產主義體系崩潰25周年
— 黃達維 David C. Huang, November 2014 USA
1960年代,東德共產党當局為了阻止東德人民逃往自由的西方﹐自1961年8月起,即在西柏林周圍筑起防御工事﹐進而建筑成一堵戒備森嚴﹑長達155公里的高牆 – 柏林牆(德語:Berliner Mauer)。第二次世界大戰後分裂德國28年的 柏林牆﹐成為當時自由世界與共產專制之間冷戰的重要標誌性建築。柏林牆修建之前,約有250万東德居民逃离東德,他們中的許多人通過西柏林前往西德和其他西歐國家。1960年起東德邊防軍開始向越境者開槍射擊。据統計,被開槍射擊而死亡者約200多人。
1989年冬﹐東德人民也進行了數周的抗議活動。當時由改革派戈爾巴喬夫領導的蘇聯和東德政府,都選擇不動用武力,并排除了采取類似1989年夏天在中國北京天安門廣場發生的屠殺清場式”中國解決方案”的可能。1989年11月9日的民主自由運動,沒有發生像1953年東德”6· 17事件”一樣被血腥鎮壓,也沒有讓1956年匈牙利”十月事件”以及1968年”布拉格之春”重演。
前蘇聯總統戈爾巴喬夫在其一篇文章中強調了柏林牆倒塌對結束冷戰的重要意義。他認為這一天不僅僅是德國人的一個節日,“而且是所有歐洲和其他大陸各族人民的節日。” 因為柏林牆并非是簡單地分裂了城市,分裂了民眾和家庭。 而且“也將歐洲和世界分成兩部分,導致雙方彼此以核戰爭進行威脅恐嚇。”
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